The NFL is finally back!

Betting on baseball and hoops is fun and all but we all know the NFL is KING when it comes to sports betting. 

Although my basketball track record is unmatched in this industry everyone knows NFL is by far and large my best sport. From September through February I live, breath, eat and sleep NFL and my results are a testament to that.

My NFL plays have over a 60.1% winning percentage since I began documenting my picks on Twitter and other sports betting websites back in 2014 for a cumulative total of 320.4 units or an average of over 80 units per season.

Now I know as well as anyone this industry is full of blowhard touts who throw out all sorts of ridiculous numbers and claims of past results so those numbers at face value don't mean much.

Most of you who are reading this have been following me for awhile and have been paid members in the past so you know my NFL picks are as good as they come — but for those who are new — unlike 99% of the other fraud "scamdicappers" out there I have indisputable tangible PROOF that I am one of the best NFL cappers on the planet with evidence that can't be faked or manipulated.

SuperContest Top Place Finisher

Not only are my service plays among the best in the industry, I also put my money where my mouth is and compete with the best cappers in the world in the annual Las Vegas SuperContest.

For those who aren't familiar The SuperContest is the “The World’s Ultimate Pro Football Handicapping Contest” — a contest put on every year by the Westgate Casino in Las Vegas where the best NFL handicappers in the world come together and pay a $1500 entry fee then pick five games against the spread every week competing for the multi million dollar prize pool where the top 50 contestants get a share of the pot. 

In 2016 I was able to pick 60.7% winners and place in the top 25 out of over 1800 contestants (top 1%) solidifying myself as one of the most elite NFL Cappers in the world and taking home a very sizable check in the process. 

Any capper can make up statistics from previous years in a spreadsheet but very few have competed in the Super Contest and placed among the handicapping elite.

2017 was another very solid year where I finished 50-33-2 for 60.2% but the SuperContest had a record number of 2406 entries last year (25% more than the year before) so it was ultra competitive where you needed to finish 61% or better to place in the top 50 in the money. Ultimately, I was one game short of placing in the top 50 for the second year in a row.

Now I don't say this to brag but rather to show you that I compete with the best handicappers in the world and among the 1%. Anyone can manipulate a spreadsheet or lie about past years records but the SuperContest standings don't lie.

Of course as a subscriber you will get access to ALL of my SuperContest selections which is well worth the package price alone. In addition, you will also receive a few extra plays each week outside of my five strongest plays I am using for the SuperContest as well as any over/unders or teasers I may be playing. On average, there will be between 5-7 plays each week of the NFL season.

You can click the link below to view last years documented record to get an idea of an average week of plays:

100% Attention on NFL Alone

In years past I have handicapped college football and NBA during the NFL season and done very well in both sports

but the time spent on those sports does take away from extra time I could have spent doing extra NFL preparation.

This year due to the increasing competitiveness of the SuperContest with a record number of entries once 

again this year I have decided during the NFL Season I am ONLY going to be focusing on handicapping the NFL .

For the first time since I began this service in 2015 you will be getting my full undivided attention on NFL only.

For those who were on board from the beginning of this season know we already hit 67% in the preseason which is

about what it will take to place in the Top 25 in the SuperContest this year and is what I am setting as my bench mark.

2018 is set to be my best finish yet in the SuperContest, 67% is the goal for this season which I have already achieved during preseason action and with focusing solely on the NFL this fall have no doubt I can attain.

Betting on the NFL is supposed to be fun and there is no better feeling than winning, But it's absolutely no fun when you 

try to do it on your own and get crushed every week and end up paying your bookie every single Monday all season long.

The NFL is an extremely difficult sport to beat and there's a reason only 1% of gamblers are successful.
I have been at this game for decades and reading NFL lines is second nature to me, let me handle all of the hard

work handicapping the games and you can reap the benefits of killing your bookie and impressing your friends with

your NFL knowledge that you will glean from reading my write-ups and betting my picks. 

Looking forward to having you on board this season — all of the details for the 2018 NFL Yearly Package are below.

So what all is included in the package?

Every NFL Play For The 2018-2019 Season

You will receive every single one of my NFL plays from the first week of preseason until a Super Bowl 53 champion is crowned.

Each week you will receive all five of my SuperContest selections in addition to any extra plays I may have on games which just missed the cut for the SuperContest card. Throughout the season there will be occasional teaser plays and plays on the point total.

I will be providing selections for EVERY nationally televised Prime Time game and my weekly personal "Survivor Pool" play.  

Season Win Totals & Super Bowl Futures

You will also be given access to my Season Win Totals which includes four teams whose win totals Vegas egregiously erred on which will easily soar past their number by multiple games. This also includes a MAX play which will be one of the easiest bets we cash all season.

You will also receive my Super Bowl Champion prediction who is sitting at a very juicy 18/1 odds at the time of this writing. Along with these predictions you will also get access to lengthly write-ups for each pick explaining why Vegas is crazy and why we these teams will easily exceed their posted win totals. 

In-Depth Write-Ups For Every Play

Along with every play I make you will also receive a detailed write-up where I take you into my head and explain my exact thought process for my selections. Anyone can just give you a pick and say good luck — the true value is in explaining why you are making the pick so you can not only understand the rationale behind it but also garner some handicapping knowledge along the way. Or if you are the type who only cares about cashing tickets and just wants to see the pick — not a problem, all picks are listed front and center with write-ups to follow.

Sample Writeup From Last Year's Preseason

What Past Clients Have Said:

I look forward for you joining me on the quest to 67% winners this season.

Once you click the buy now button it will take you to a checkout page, once you submit payment your account will be automatically created for you.

• All of my weekly NFL picks with full write-ups for the entirely of the NFL Season

• All playoff picks through and including the Super Bowl

• My NFL Season Win Totals & Futures!

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